
Central Integrated PS prides itself on being a nurturing school. We focus on a child's emotional and social development, as well as their academic learning. Our school aims to create a safe and welcoming environment where children feel secure and ready to learn. We implement a number of initiatives such as those below, to assist in ensuring all learners are able to be the best version of themselves.
We are a PATHS school. The PATHS programme empowers all children to develop the fundamental social and emotional skills which will enable them to make positive choices throughout life. Implementing the programme has improved the outcomes for the children in our school.
We also deliver, ‘The Roots of Empathy’ programme in school. Children who are coached to recognise and connect with the vulnerability and humanity of a baby who visits their classroom throughout the school year with their parent(s), along with a trained Roots of Empathy Instructor using a specialised curriculum. The experiential learning with the parent and child is biologically embedded in the student’s brains as they observe this secure attachment relationship. Through guided observation the children label the baby’s feelings and intentions, learning the affective aspect of empathy (emotion) and the cognitive aspect of empathy (perspective-taking). In Roots of Empathy, emotional literacy develops as children begin to identify and label the baby’s feelings, reflect on and understand their own feelings, then bridge to understand the feelings of others.
We are also fortunate to have a school counsellor which the children have access to if they face any difficulties in their lives. Almost all children will experience some kind of challenging period throughout their life. Perhaps this will be school based, connected to moving class or the anticipation of exams. Some children may go through upheavals at home, such as moving house or the death of a loved one.
We implement the Nurture in 5 programme on a daily basis throughout all classes in the school. This programme consists of adult led activity sessions, each session comprising 5 discrete steps. When followed in sequence the activities will take pupils from high energy games down to total relaxation. This process will
support pupils in regulating their arousal levels, whilst teaching them strategies for the maintenance of sound emotional health and wellbeing.
All of the above strategies ensure that our children can reach their full potential.
Central Integrated Primary School, Thomas Street, Carrickfergus, BT38 8AL
Phone: (028) 9335 1272 | E: